Code of Conduct in Social Media
Intel's Social Media Guidelines, which can be easily applied in the construction industry, are briefly summarized in my own words below. Those who are interested in Social Media Governance should have a closer look on the Policy Database of socialmediagovernance.com which contains the Web 2.0 policies for more than 150 leading firms.
- Stick to your expertise - provide your unique perspective of your organization and the world
- Post meaningful content - no spam
- Think before posting - but reply in timely manner
- Respect property and confidentiality
- Be polite and respectful
- Be transparent
- Be judicious
- Be aware how others perceive you
- Be aware of your responsibility
- Cultivate and encourage a conversation culture
- Add value and create excitement
- Be a leader of a healthy and sensitive debate
- Admit mistakes and correct them
- Don't publish content which makes you uncomfortable

Beside their Policy Database, socialmediagovernance.com also published an analysis of Social Media policies highlighting lessons learned and best practices. Analyzing the motivation of the policies shows that the majority of the leading companies still pursues a neutral are even reactive social media strategy: